Aug 8, 2017
You have worked-and continue to work-to provide for your family. Some people around you may have mentioned that you should get an “estate plan,” but you are not sure why you would need to do it right now. You may not feel like you know what it is or how...
Jul 18, 2017
You May Not Think You Need a Will, But You Really Do. Most Americans do not have an estate plan, and many that do have one, do not have a will. You may think that you do not have enough net worth for a will to make sense, you do not need one because you have a trust,...
May 30, 2017
It is always important to honor those who serve and sacrifice for our country. It is also important for military families to set up an estate plan. Military families have unique considerations that other families do not, especially when a family member is deployed. ...
Mar 7, 2017
Court involvement in your estate can become costly and time-consuming. Your assets are exactly that, yours. Having your property and situation discussed in a public forum is probably not an attractive thought. Most people do not want the court involved in their...
Mar 3, 2017
One of the hardest parts about thinking about your untimely death is thinking about who will raise your children. No one is exactly the same as us: the same parenting style, worldview, priorities, and morals. But, you must think about it. If you do not, a judge...